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Beat The Heat And Water Restrictions

Conserve Water with a Rain Barrel

Beat the Heat and Water Restrictions

As temperatures rise and water restrictions come into effect, Calgarians are looking for ways to conserve water while keeping their lawns and gardens green. Using a rain barrel is a great way to capture and reuse rainwater in your yard, even when outdoor water restrictions are in place.

Green Calgary Rain Barrels

Green Calgary is offering rain barrels made locally from recycled materials for a limited time. At just $78, these rain barrels are an affordable and eco-friendly way to conserve water.

Green Calgary's rain barrels are repurposed food containers diverted from landfills, making them durable, low maintenance, and easy to use. They are available for pre-order with pick-up and delivery options.

Benefits of Rain Barrels

Rain barrels are a great way to reduce your water consumption and save money on your water bill. They also provide numerous benefits for your garden:

  • Rainwater is naturally pH-balanced and free of chlorine and other chemicals, making it ideal for watering plants.
  • By capturing rainwater, you can reduce the amount of runoff that carries pollutants into our waterways.
  • Rain barrels can provide a backup water source in case of a water outage or emergency.


Using a rain barrel is a simple and effective way to conserve water and protect our environment. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, a rain barrel is a valuable addition to any yard. By pre-ordering a Green Calgary rain barrel today, you can help conserve water, keep your lawn and garden thriving, and support a local environmental initiative.
